Upcoming Events

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Please Register/Login to update your Family Information and Directory Publish Preferences for this Year!

Reminder to join/renew your annual PTA Membership today to keep up with what is happening this year! Excited for a new year, GO MUSTANGS!





The last meeting will be May 13th @ 9:30 am in the Faculty Room.




Box Tops


Did you know that Box Tops has gone digital?  It's super easy!  Here are some videos to help you keep donating Box Tops to our school:




Do you shop at Smith’s? Enroll in their Inspiring Donations Program under Monte Vista and earn money for our school each time you use your Fresh Values Card! You can sign up on their app under MORE (3 lines in the top right corner)—> REWARDS—> INSPIRING DONATIONS—> Search for Enrollment (Monte Vista Elementary) 



Social Media

